Jarred K Holt, Bradley J Nelson
Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Jan – Apr 2018 | Page 3-9
Author: Jarred K Holt [1], Bradley J Nelson [1,2]
[1] Department of, TRIAOrthopaedic Center, 8100 Northland Drive, Bloomington, MN 55431,
[2] Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, 2450 Riverside Avenue South, Suite R200, Minneapolis, MN 55454
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Bradley J Nelson,
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, 2450 Riverside Avenue South, Suite R200,Minneapolis, MN 55454.
E-mail: ???
Lateral patellar dislocation is a common injury affecting a young, athletically active population. These injuries occur as a direct trauma to the knee or as a result of a twisting mechanism on a planted foot. They are typically accompanied by an audible “pop,” acute pain, and substantial swelling. The nature of the injury results in a variety of bony and soft tissue disruptions including medial patellofemoral ligament tears and osteochondral lesions of the femoral trochlea and inferomedial patella. In the acute setting, initial treatment is directed toward obtaining a concentric reduction, though oftentimes, this has already occurred spontaneously following the injury. Further, management decisions are based on a multitude of factors including concomitant injuries and patient anatomic considerations. Historically, the first-time patella dislocations were treated conservatively; however, more recent literature supports operative care in an effort to prevent recurrent instability events. Given an overall lack of compelling evidence to support either treatment option, it is felt that a thorough risk assessment and shared decision-making model should be employed to guide care of the first-time patella dislocation.
Key words: lateral patellar dislocation, evaluation, surgical management
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How to Cite this article:. Holt J K, Nelson B J. First-time Lateral Patellar Dislocation: Evaluation and Management. Asian Journal of Arthroscopy Jan – April 2018; 3(1):3-9. |

Post-operative Rehabilitation for Select Patellar-stabilizing Procedures
Jill Monson, Elizabeth Niemuth
Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Jan – Apr 2018 | Page 36-41
Author: Jill Monson [1], Elizabeth Niemuth [2]
[1] Department of Physical Therapy, TRIA Woodbury, 155 Radio Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125, USA,
[2] Department of Physical Therapy, Institute for Athletic Medicine, M Health Clinics and Surgery Center, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Elizabeth Niemuth,
Institute for Athletic Medicine, M Health Clinics and Surgery Center, 909 Fulton Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.
Email: eniemut1@fairview.org
The rehabilitation process after surgical intervention for patellar instability warrants special consideration of the anatomy, biomechanics, and surgical procedure to facilitate the best outcomes for the patient. There is a paucity of evidence-based literature regarding post-operative rehabilitation protocols for the patellofemoral (PF) compartment. Recommendations for early rehabilitation (0–6 weeks) after lateral retinacular lengthening, medial PF ligament reconstruction, tibial tubercle osteotomy, and trochleoplastyare reviewed in this article. For each procedure, the following common post-operative rehabilitation focus points are reviewed: Weight-bearing status and brace use, joint range of motion, and strengthening.
Keywords: Patellofemoral, Rehabilitation, Patellar instability.
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30. Rathleff MS, Rathleff CR, Crossley KM, Barton CJ. Is hip strength a risk factor for patellofemoral pain? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med 2014;48:1088.
31. Van Cant J, Pineux C, Pitance L, Feipel V. Hip muscle strength and endurance in females with patellofemoral pain: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Int J Sports Phys Ther 2014;9:564-82.
32. Crossley KM, van Middelkoop M, Callaghan MJ, Collins NJ, Rathleff MS, Barton CJ, et al. 2016 patellofemoral pain consensus statement from the 4th international patellofemoral pain research retreat, manchester. Part 2: Recommended physical interventions (exercise, taping, bracing, foot orthoses and combined interventions). Br J Sports Med 2016;50:844-52.
(Abstract) (Full Text HTML) (Download PDF)
Management of Patellar Chondral Defects
Kelsey L. Wise, Jeffrey A. Macalena
Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Jan – Apr 2018 | Page 30-35
Author: Kelsey L Wise [1], Jeffrey A Macalena [1]
[1] Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, 2450 Riverside Avenue South, Suite R200, Minneapolis, MN 55454.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Jeffrey A. Macalena,
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, 2450 Riverside Avenue South, Suite R200, Minneapolis, MN 55454.
E-mail: maca0049@umn.edu
Patellar cartilage has a poor capacity for healing because of the avascular and hypocellular nature of articular cartilage. Surgical options for cartilage defects are varied and include repair, regeneration, and reconstruction. Open reduction internal fixation of chondral defects should be attempted when a large chondral fragment with bone is present. This is frequently seen following patellar dislocation, patellar fracture, or in the setting of osteochondritis dissecans lesions. Cartilage regeneration options include microfracture and a bone marrow-stimulating technique that involves penetration of the subchondral bone. This technique is best for small, isolated defects. Augmentation to microfracture with biologically active adjuncts is becoming more widely available and is thought to enhance stem cell production and tissue regeneration. Cartilage reconstruction options such as autologous chondrocyte implantation area cell-based therapy that develops hyaline-like cartilage, as opposed to the fibrocartilage of microfracture, and has the added advantage of ease in contouring to patellar anatomy. Short-term data suggest improvement of clinical outcomes for most patellar cartilage techniques; however, long-term studies are needed to assess the durability and clinical outcomes of these evolving procedures.
Keywords: Patellar, Chondral, Cartilage.
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32. Amis AA, Firer P, Mountney J, Senavongse W, Thomas NP. Anatomy and biomechanics of the medial patellofemoral ligament. Knee 2003;10:215-20.
33. Ellera Gomes JL. Medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction for recurrent dislocation of the patella: A preliminary report. Arthroscopy 1992;8:335-40.
(Abstract) (Full Text HTML) (Download PDF)
Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy for Patellar Instability: Where are we in 2018?
Marta Engelking, Andrew Schmiesing, Elizabeth A Arendt
Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Jan – Apr 2018 | Page 24-29
Author: Marta Engelking [1], Andrew Schmiesing [1], Elizabeth A Arendt [1]
[1] Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Elizabeth A Arendt,
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, 2450 Riverside Avenue South, Suite R200, Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA.
E-mail: arend001@umn.edu
Management of recurrent lateral patellar dislocation (LPD) remains difficult and controversial, despite an expansion of knowledge. With the advancement of medicine, an understanding of known anatomical risk factors of LPD, including patella alta and increased tibial tubercle (TT)–trochlear groove distance, now guide present-day management. However, this is not without drawbacks. Current measurements of anatomical risk factors cannot be considered universal, and it is, therefore,important to consider each case individually. The focus of this article is to highlight the history of patellar instability risk factors associated with TT osteotomy, as well as present-day operative management, which aims to restore normal biomechanics. Our goal is to provide a clinical framework to help clinicians approach surgical management of LPD. Operative versus non-operative management will be discussed in another article. The included case studies will aid in the understanding of patients with patellofemoral instability, presentation, and the clinician’s approach to management, in addition to showcasing the ongoing challenges in treating patellar instability.
Keywords: Patellofemoral joint; patellar instability; lateral patellar dislocation; patella alta; tibial tubercle distalization; tibial
tubercle osteotomy.
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14. Heidenreich MJ, Camp CL, Dahm DL, Stuart MJ, Levy BA, Krych AJ, et al. The contribution of the tibial tubercle to patellar instability: Analysis of tibial tubercle-trochlear groove (TT-TG) and tibial tubercle-posterior cruciate ligament (TT-PCL) distances. Knee Surg Sports TraumatolArthrosc 2017;25:2347-51.
15. Arendt EA, England K, Agel J, Tompkins MA. An analysis of knee anatomic imaging factors associated with primary lateral patellar dislocations. Knee Surg Sports TraumatolArthrosc 2017;25:3099-107.
16. Askenberger M, Janarv PM, Finnbogason T, Arendt EA. Morphology and anatomic patellar instability risk factors in first-time traumatic lateral patellar dislocations: A Prospective magnetic resonance imaging study in skeletally immature children. Am J Sports Med 2017;45:50-8.
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32. Amis AA, Firer P, Mountney J, Senavongse W, Thomas NP. Anatomy and biomechanics of the medial patellofemoral ligament. Knee 2003;10:215-20.
33. Ellera Gomes JL. Medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction for recurrent dislocation of the patella: A preliminary report. Arthroscopy 1992;8:335-40.
(Abstract) (Full Text HTML) (Download PDF)
Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction- State of the Art
Benjamin F Sandberg, Marc A Tompkins
Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Jan – Apr 2018 | Page 17-23
Author: Benjamin F Sandberg [1], Marc A Tompkins [1,2]
[1] The Orthopaedic Speciality Clinic, Wrangler Paranjpe Road, Pune
[2] Head, Translational Medicine & Research, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Sachin Ramchandra Tapasvi,
The Orthopaedic Speciality Clinic, Wrangler Paranjpe Road, Pune
Email: stapasvi@gmail.com
The management of recurrent patellar instability has undergone progressive changes over the past few decades with improved optimal and predictable outcomes for the patients. Open surgical realignment procedures with bony osteotomies either proximal or distal to the Patella, designed to correct the imbalance of the extensor mechanism such that the patella tracks smoothly over the trochlea were commonly advocated. These procedures aimed to restore normal chondral loading of the patellofemoral joint and modify or delay progression of arthritic changes at an early age. With enhanced knowledge on the biomechanics of the anatomical structures providing medial and lateral restraints around the knee, the role of the Medial Patello-Femoral Ligament has been shown to be a vital one. This has refined the surgical options available to minimally invasive arthroscopic approaches with satisfying calculable results. This review article outlines the evolution of the surgical management of patellar instability and the prominent role of the MPFL reconstruction in achieving it. The biomechanics, surgical principles, anatomic landmarks, types of grafts and fixation methods, along with the senior surgeon’s preferred surgical technique are described in detail.
Keywords: Recurrent patellar instability, Medial Patello-Femoral Ligament, reconstruction.
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The Role of Imaging in the Evaluation of Patellar Instability
Benjamin F Sandberg, Marc A Tompkins
Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Jan – Apr 2018 | Page 10-16
Author: Benjamin F Sandberg [1], Marc A Tompkins [1,2]
[1] Department of, TRIAOrthopaedic Center, 8100 Northland Drive, Bloomington, MN 55431,
[2] Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, 2450 Riverside Avenue South, Suite R200, Minneapolis, MN 55454
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Bradley J Nelson,
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, 2450 Riverside Avenue South, Suite R200,Minneapolis, MN 55454.
E-mail: ???
Patellar instability is a complex problem that requires a thorough evaluation and work up. A critical part of this work up is appropriate imaging. This article reviews key imaging techniques and important imaging findings in patellar instability patients. This includes the evaluation of patella alta, trochlear dysplasia, lateral patellar tilt, extensor mechanism alignment, valgus alignment, rotational alignment, and soft tissue injury. Effective management for patellar instability relies on a comprehensive approach where any of these elements are evaluated when necessary.
Keywords: Patellofemoral Instability, Patellar Instability, Patellar Dislocation, Imaging.
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2. Dejour H, Walch G, Nove-Josserand L, Guier C. Factors of patellar instability: An anatomic radiographic study. Knee Surg Sports TraumatolArthrosc 1994;2:19-26.
3. Arendt EA, England K, Agel J, Tompkins MA. An analysis of knee anatomic imaging factors associated with primary lateral patellar dislocations. Knee Surg Sports TraumatolArthrosc 2017;25:3099-107.
4. Charles MD, Haloman S, Chen L, Ward SR, Fithian D, Afra R, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging-based topographical differences between control and recurrent patellofemoral instability patients. Am J Sports Med 2013;41:374-84.
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7. Biedert RM, Albrecht S. The patellotrochlear index: A new index for assessing patellar height. Knee Surg Sports TraumatolArthrosc 2006;14:707-12.
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15. Askenberger M, Janarv PM, Finnbogason T, Arendt EA. Morphology and anatomic patellar instability risk factors in first-time traumatic lateral patellar dislocations: A Prospective magnetic resonance imaging study in skeletally immature children. Am J Sports Med 2017;45:50-8.
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24. Seitlinger G, Scheurecker G, Högler R, Labey L, Innocenti B, Hofmann S, et al. Tibial tubercle-posterior cruciate ligament distance: A new measurement to define the position of the tibial tubercle in patients with patellar dislocation. Am J Sports Med 2012;40:1119-25.
25. Heidenreich MJ, Camp CL, Dahm DL, Stuart MJ, Levy BA, Krych AJ, et al. The contribution of the tibial tubercle to patellar instability: Analysis of tibial tubercle-trochlear groove (TT-TG) and tibial tubercle-posterior cruciate ligament (TT-PCL) distances. Knee Surg Sports TraumatolArthrosc 2017;25:2347-51.
26. Saggin PR, Dejour D, Meyer X, Tavernier T. Computed Tomography and Arthro-CT Scan in Patellofemoral Disorders. In: Zaffagnini S, Dejour D, Arendt EA, editors. Patellofemoral Pain, Instability, and Arthritis. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 2010. p. 73-8.
27. Feller JA, Amis AA, Andrish JT, Arendt EA, Erasmus PJ, Powers CM, et al. Surgical biomechanics of the patellofemoral joint. Arthroscopy 2007;23:542-53.
28. Seitlinger G, Moroder P, Scheurecker G, Hofmann S, Grelsamer RP. The contribution of different femur segments to overall femoral torsion. Am J Sports Med 2016;44:1796-800.
29. Diederichs G, Issever AS, Scheffler S. MR imaging of patellar instability: Injury patterns and assessment of risk factors. Radiographics 2010;30:961-81.
30. Tompkins MA, Rohr SR, Agel J, Arendt EA. Anatomic patellar instability risk factors in primary lateral patellar dislocations do not predict injury patterns: An MRI-based study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2018;26:677-84..
(Abstract) (Full Text HTML) (Download PDF)
First-time Lateral Patellar Dislocation: Evaluation and Management
Jarred K Holt, Bradley J Nelson
Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Jan – Apr 2018 | Page 3-9
Author: Jarred K Holt [1], Bradley J Nelson [1,2]
[1] Department of, TRIAOrthopaedic Center, 8100 Northland Drive, Bloomington, MN 55431,
[2] Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, 2450 Riverside Avenue South, Suite R200, Minneapolis, MN 55454
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Bradley J Nelson,
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, 2450 Riverside Avenue South, Suite R200,Minneapolis, MN 55454.
E-mail: ???
Lateral patellar dislocation is a common injury affecting a young, athletically active population. These injuries occur as a direct trauma to the knee or as a result of a twisting mechanism on a planted foot. They are typically accompanied by an audible “pop,” acute pain, and substantial swelling. The nature of the injury results in a variety of bony and soft tissue disruptions including medial patellofemoral ligament tears and osteochondral lesions of the femoral trochlea and inferomedial patella. In the acute setting, initial treatment is directed toward obtaining a concentric reduction, though oftentimes, this has already occurred spontaneously following the injury. Further, management decisions are based on a multitude of factors including concomitant injuries and patient anatomic considerations. Historically, the first-time patella dislocations were treated conservatively; however, more recent literature supports operative care in an effort to prevent recurrent instability events. Given an overall lack of compelling evidence to support either treatment option, it is felt that a thorough risk assessment and shared decision-making model should be employed to guide care of the first-time patella dislocation.
Key words: lateral patellar dislocation, evaluation, surgical management
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Wrist Arthroscopy– Setup, Indications and Complications
Satish Mane, Marwan Hardan, Anup Bansode, Abhijeet L Wahegaonkar
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | Sep-Dec 2017 |
Author: Satish Mane [1], Marwan Hardan [1], Anup Bansode [2],
Abhijeet L Wahegaonkar [1]
[1] Department of Upper Extremity, Hand and Microvascular Reconstructive
Surgery, Sancheti Institute for Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, Pune,
Maharashtra, India,
[2] Department of Hand Surgery, Jehangir Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Satish Mane,
Department of Upper Extremity, Hand and Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery,
Sancheti Institute for Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
E-mail: drsatishmane@gmail.com
Wrist Arthroscopy, a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure, is a valuable tool in the diagnosis and treatment of most disorders of the wrist. In this article Arthroscopy set up, equipments are described, and operative indications and complications are discussed. Anatomy of Portal is described in details. Portals allow direct visualization of articular surfaces of radio-carpal and mid-carpal joints, triangular fibrocartilage, interosseous and extrinsic ligaments. It offers direct visualization of the structures of the joint anatomy and existing disease processes while causing minimal damage to surrounding soft tissue.
Keywords: Wrist arthroscopy, indications, portals, complications.
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Chronic Instability of the Distal Radioulnar Joint: Diagnosis and Management
Abhijeet L Wahegaonkar, Steve Rocha
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | Sep – Dec 2017 | Page 2-7
Author: Abhijeet L Wahegaonkar [1], Steve Rocha [1]
[1] Department of Orthopaedics, Upper Extremity, Hand and Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery Service, Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
[2] Orthopaedic Speciality Clinic, Pune Mahatrahtra.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Abhijeet L. Wahegaonkar
Department of Orthopaedics, Upper Extremity, Hand and
Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery Service, Sancheti Institute
for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Email: abhiwahe@gmail.com
Chronic Instability of the distal radioulnar joint is not uncommon but often misdiagnosed and mistreated. This review focusses on chronic wrist instability and provides an insight into this uncommon disorder.
Keywords: Distal Radioulnar Joint.
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27. Petersen MS, Adams BD. Biomechanical evaluation of distal radioulnar reconstructions. J Hand Surg Am 1993;18(2):328-334.
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Wrist Symposium in Asian Journal of Arthroscopy
Abhijeet Wahegaonkar, Sachin Tapasvi
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | Sep – Dec 2017 | Page 1
Author: Abhijeet Wahegaonkar [1], Sachin Tapasvi [2]
[1] Department of Orthopaedics, Upper Extremity, Hand and Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery Service, Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
[2] Orthopaedic Speciality Clinic, Pune Mahatrahtra.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Abhijeet L. Wahegaonkar
Department of Orthopaedics, Upper Extremity, Hand and Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery Service, Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Email: abhiwahe@gmail.com
Wrist Symposium in Asian Journal of Arthroscopy
It is perhaps for the first time that a special issue dedicated to wrist arthroscopy is being published in the Asia-Pacific region.
The advent of wrist arthroscopy has facilitated the diagnosis; improved the understanding of the etiopathogenesis and helped in the development of new therapies for several wrist injuries and pathologies with promising results. Therapeutic wrist arthroscopy has been established as the “Gold Standard” in the management of TFCC injuries and the indications are ever evolving, with contributions from brilliant authors and clinicians from around the world.
Arthroscopy of the wrist was once primarily performed for diagnostic applications. With rapid development of this art and science, the indications have expanded to reparative and reconstructive procedures.
This issue of the Asian Journal of Arthroscopy exposes just the tip of the iceberg of the exciting times ahead in the field of wrist surgery. I sincerely hope that the readers will gain some insight into the most commonly performed arthroscopic procedures such as ganglion excision, TFCC repair and scapholunate ligament repair. This is like a sensitization of what is a potentially “complicated” area even for experienced arthroscopists with the intention to drive away a lot of mental blocks towards wrist arthroscopy. The realm of possibility is ever expanding for anyone who wishes to explore this field.
I am grateful to the authors, each a master of wrist arthroscopy, for taking time off their busy practice and schedule to contribute to advancing science and knowledge.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Editors of the Asian Journal of Arthroscopy for entrusting me with the responsibility of compiling this special issue on Wrist Arthroscopy. I do hope our efforts satiates the readers’ appetite for information and knowledge.
Happy reading!
Dr. Abhijeet L. Wahegaonkar | Dr Sachin Tapasvi
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Rehabilitation Postsurgical Stabilization for Shoulder Instability
Shyam Sundar, David V Rajan
Volume 2 | Issue 1 | Jan – Apr 2017 | Page 40 – 48
Author: Shyam Sundar [1], David V Rajan [1].
[1] Ortho OneOrthopaedic Speciality Centre, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Shyam Sundar,
MS Orthopaedics, Ortho One Orthopaedic Speciality Centre, Coimbatore – 641 005, Tamil Nadu, India.
Email: drshyam.msortho@gmail.com
The shoulder joint is a polyaxial joint with the advantage of increased mobility at the cost of stability. The incidence of subluxation/dislocation is on the increase considering the fact that children are more actively involved in sporting activities at a very young age. This has necessitated the orthopedic surgeons to identify those at risk of injuries as well as to treat those with injuries to restore normality without compromising the function. Over the recent past, surgical management for shoulder instability has evolved to a more precise level giving importance to the minutest details in respecting and repairing the injured structures. As a result of which the patient’s recovery and functional outcome has been better than how it was earlier. Nonetheless, the success of surgery depends not only on the surgeon or the patient factors but also in the implementation of a tailored rehabilitation protocol focusing on getting the patient back to normalcy at the earliest with minimal discomfort. The aim of this article is to kindle the various aspects of an ideal rehabilitation following surgical stabilization of shoulder instability and to guide in the optimizing treatment protocol.
Keywords: Shoulder instability, Rehabilitation, Proprioception, Kinetic chain.
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