Dinshaw N Pardiwala, Nandan Rao, Ankit Varshney
Volume 2 | Issue 1 | Jan – Apr 2017 | Page 15-19.
Author: Dinshaw N Pardiwala [1], Nandan Rao [1], Ankit Varshney [1]
[1] Arthroscopy & Shoulder Service Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai, India.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Dinshaw Pardiwala
Head – Centre for Sports Medicine
Director – Arthroscopy & Shoulder Service, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital
Mumbai, India.
Email: Dinshaw.Pardiwala@relianceada.com.
A bony Bankart lesion is defined as a labro-ligamentous detachment of the glenoid rim along with a fragment of attached bone and is commonly associated with shoulder instability. When the fragment of bone extends over one quadrant of the glenoid, we have termed it as a “massive” bony Bankart lesion. Traditionally considered as a type of glenoid fracture, it is important to appreciate that these fractures are not isolated bony injuries. The bone fragments are always attached to the labrum and are avulsed along with the glenohumeral ligaments. Although these injuries have traditionally been treated with open reduction and fracture fixation techniques, in recent years, surgical repair for these lesions has shifted towards arthroscopic instability repair techniques. Although the choice of technique to fix bony Bankart lesions (single row suture anchor repair, suture bridge dual-row anchor repair, arthroscopic screw fixation) is surgeon-specific, this is often determined by a number of factors, including bone fragment size and quality, and the ease with which the fragment can be manipulated and viewed for reduction and fixation. There is no clinical data currently that proves the superiority of any technique, and all report a high rate of radiographic incorporation and clinical success. This paper describes the detailed technique for arthroscopic single row suture anchor massive bony Bankart repair.
Keywords: Bony Bankart Lesion, Arthroscopic Repair, surgical techniques.
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How to Cite this article:. Pardiwala DN. Rao N, Varshney A. Arthroscopic Repair for Massive Bony Bankart Lesions. Asian Journal of Arthroscopy Jan – April 2017;2(1):15-19. |