Tag Archive for: Proprioception

Shyam Sundar, David V Rajan

Volume 2 | Issue 1 | Jan – Apr 2017 | Page 40 – 48

Author: Shyam Sundar [1], David V Rajan [1].

[1] Ortho OneOrthopaedic Speciality Centre, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Address of Correspondence

Dr. Shyam Sundar,
MS Orthopaedics, Ortho One Orthopaedic Speciality Centre, Coimbatore – 641 005, Tamil Nadu, India.
Email: drshyam.msortho@gmail.com


The shoulder joint is a polyaxial joint with the advantage of increased mobility at the cost of stability. The incidence of subluxation/dislocation is on the increase considering the fact that children are more actively involved in sporting activities at a very young age. This has necessitated the orthopedic surgeons to identify those at risk of injuries as well as to treat those with injuries to restore normality without compromising the function. Over the recent past, surgical management for shoulder instability has evolved to a more precise level giving importance to the minutest details in respecting and repairing the injured structures. As a result of which the patient’s recovery and functional outcome has been better than how it was earlier. Nonetheless, the success of surgery depends not only on the surgeon or the patient factors but also in the implementation of a tailored rehabilitation protocol focusing on getting the patient back to normalcy at the earliest with minimal discomfort. The aim of this article is to kindle the various aspects of an ideal rehabilitation following surgical stabilization of shoulder instability and to guide in the optimizing treatment protocol.
Keywords: Shoulder instability, Rehabilitation, Proprioception, Kinetic chain.


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How to Cite this article:. Sundar S, Rajan DV. Rehabilitation Postsurgical Stabilization for Shoulder Instability Asian Journal of Arthroscopy Jan – April 2017;1(2):40-48.


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